Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Baby Blue Eyes

Baseball Season is Officially Here!

Every year our family has so much fun going to the Columbus Clippers baseball games. We are so excited that baseball season is now in full force. We are going to miss going so much. We are trying to soak it all in.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Kai is almost crawling!

I love cuddly sleeping babies!

Pirates and Phillies

Callin went to a Pirates game with some of his friends and took Gabe along. They all had a great time.

What Avery has been up to Lately

The Best Birthday Ever!!!!!

Callin surprised me with Michael Buble tickets this year for my birthday. It was unbelievable!
We got great seats thanks to the Clingers. I felt like we were so spoiled the whole night. As you can tell, Callin thinks he's pretty darn cool.
See, we are so happy just to be there.
Michael Buble was a great entertainer. Besides being an amazing singer, he was hilarious and he put on a great show. Even if you aren't a huge Buble fan, you would love the concert. I would recommend anyone to go see him if they ever get the chance. LOVED IT!!! Thanks baby for the fabulous birthday!