Friday, March 5, 2010


I accidentally just erased all of my friends and family list. I am so frustrated with this darn blog right now. I hope I can find everyone to put back on but in if your name is not back up shortly please forgive me. I had a very long list and I'm sure I won't remember them all right away.


Dave*Jenn*Amelia said...

Oh, that is horrible!!! Hope you guys had a fun night.

Julie said...

How sad! How are ya? I posted my bug fat belly if you feel so inclined and want to feel really good about yourself:)

Dallin Williams said...

nice one. haha. you guys look so good. i cannot believe how big kai is getting.
ps. i love that you have carmen ohio on your playlist! :)

Dallin Williams said...

btw, this is amanda not dal.